Bowls | Stems | Adapters

The bong bowl is a rectangular, tubular part of a water pipe that connects the joint of the bong with its most important part - the water chamber. You can't smoke anything without a bowl. Simple.

Above you will find a graphic with information on how to choose a bong bowl.

More on how to choose a bong bowl - click here.

How to put a bong on the stem can be found here.

Bowl glass top 18.8 mm 17 cm Bowl glass top 18.8 mm 17 cm
Price: $3.42
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What kind of bong bowl are you looking for? You will find bowls for dry herbs or dabs such as quartz bangers, dab rigs, and oil rigs. Everything in various lengths and sizes. In order not to choose a screen for the bowl, you can buy a bowl that already has a screen in its structure. For convenience, you can buy a bowl with a handle. Especially useful for bongs without a carb hole. We have all the diameter of the stems: 14.5 mm, 18.8 mm, and 12 mm for every bong. Male and female joints i.e., bowls for dry herbs, oils, and dabs. We have all you need. A bowl with stem which and a downstem diffusser, which will filter the smoke at the start.

The longer the stem, the better quality of the smoke, because more tar substances will be deposited on it, which we will not smell like old milk. Additionally, the stem's length will keep the smoke more cooling and more pleasant for your lungs and throat.

In our online smoking accessories store, you will find funny and elegant glass bowls with a screen of the highest quality. All online. The bowl is an integral part of the bong, like a soul for a human being. The price ranges from 2 USD to 13 USD. Choose the one you like best.

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