Precoolers | Ash catchers

Precoolers and Ash Catchers are mainly used to pre-cool the smoke. For the whole process to exist at all, you need a bong adapter. One thing can be said about the ash catchers and percolators - they are the perfect combination for a bong.
If your bong does not have a diffuser, and you would like to try any, but not to replace your veteran with a newer model, this ash catcher will be the perfect solution.

Our store offers various types and shapes of precoolers. It's worth mentioning that ash catchers prevent the bong or hookah from getting too dirty. In our store, you will find necessary precoolers, ending with those that will satisfy your eyesight and lungs. Percolators are available for 14.5 mm and 18.8 mm male joint size bongs.

If your bong has a smaller or larger joint than the ash catcher you choose, then in the SmokeThese smoking shop, you will find suitable glass adapters from smaller to larger joint or vice versa.

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